
Friday, August 30, 2013

Ludurana Fascinante

I have an exotic for you today, Eleanor. It's a multichromatic polish from Brazilian polish maker Ludurana called Fascinante. A multichrome polish is one that shifts between three or more different colors depending upon the angles of light and visual reference and the type of light.

Fascinante is a shimmer polish with a metallic appearance that has a beautiful series of color shifts, from a deep purpley burgundy to brilliant sparkling magenta to deep pink to copper to orange to gold to greenish gold. The shifts are not shy! At any given time you can see at least two and often three colors on the nail simply due to the natural curvature of the nail bed. It is completely captivating to watch. No way could I drive a car safely with this polish on my nails!

Similarly to Impala and Jade, the other Brazilian brands that I have in my polish collection, Ludurana offers it's polish in small tapered 8ml bottles. The brush is larger than you'd expect from the bottle size, and holds a lot of polish. The formula is dense with good flow but I feel like I never really got the hang of applying this polish. It seemed like I always either had too much polish on my brush and nearly overloaded the nail or too little and caused balding, which is when a brushstoke pulls the pigments instead of depositing them creating a visible bald patch.

My application of Fascinante was such that it took longer to dry than I expected and was extremely vunerable to smudging. I ended up redoing six nails altogether because of inadvertent doinks and smudges. But in the end, it was worth it.

Superabundant photos show three coats of Fascinante over treatment and basecoat plus a topcoat of Seche Vite.

Ludurana Fascinante, bottle shot

Ludurana Fascinante, bottle shot

Ludurana Fascinante, bottle shot

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Ludurana Fascinante

Oh polish, beautiful polish. Polish full of... shift. *wink*

I love the autumnal burgundy-pink-copper-gold shift in Fascinante, it's my favorite shift in the multichromatic polishes that I've seen. Ozotic, an Australian polish maker, makes one of these as well -- its on my wish list. 

One thing I forgot to mention about this polish is that it's scented! It has a faint violet fragrance, only noticeable when you put your nose right on your polished nails but definitely there.

So will we have time to do some swatching while you're here this weekend? I can't wait to see you!

Aunt Liz

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