
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nubar Stylish Peacock and Shimmer Polish Wendy

Stylish Peacock by Nubar is a medium-dark saturated dusky teal blue creme polish, flawless and perfect in every way a nail polish could be. The formula is well-pigmented and fluid, no bubbling or patching, with complete opacity in one coat. It dries naturally to a smooth glossy finish. I ask you, what more could you want from a polish? Beauty? Well it's got that too, provided you feel the same way about teal polishes as I do.

It's a bit of a chamleon, this polish. In natural direct and indirect light it is a stunning creamy blue teal. It is much darker and greener in shade and under incandescent light it morphs into a murky green. Blue, green, drama... did I mention it's a one-coater?

Stylish Peacock makes me want to go to and BUY ALL THE CREME POLISHES! I wouldn't mind some of those glass fleck Venetian Glass polishes either... or a few from the Risque Reds... plus must have that delicious Caribbean Coral I've been lemming forever and speaking of lemmings how about Contempo from the Modern Mattes collection, all three of the Nubar Jeans collection, and at least half of the Fortress collection. Yup, I have a problem.

Photos show one coat of Stylish Peacock over treatment and basecoat plus a topcoat of Seche Vite.

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

Nubar Stylish Peacock

SO nice! 

Now because I can't leave well enough alone and had a hankering for orange and purple glitter, I decided to layer a coat of Shimmer Polish Wendy, a colorful copper and purple glitter melange, over Stylish Peacock. Photos show exactly that plus a topcoat of Seche Vite.

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock on the nail, Shimmer Polish Wendy in the bottle

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock

I love and adore Shimmer Wendy. The colors are fantastic, they make my eyes so happy! I could look at it all day. Imagine if you could paint anything you wanted with polish... tiles, the sink, your shower stall, the toaster, the refrigerator, a CAR! Man, I would love to have a Shimmer Wendy sink....

One of the things I love about Shimmer's glitters is Cindy's genius with the mix. Her mixes of colors, sizes and shapes, their proportions and ratios to each other, are so visually satisfying and stimulating. I love to go to her website where she maintains collections of looks done by polish enthusiasts of all her different Shimmer polishes, here, and just look at them. 

I wore Wendy over Stylish Peacock for a day and then added a matte topcoat to see what it would look like. 

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Shimmer Polish Wendy over Nubar Stylish Peacock, matte topcoat

Cool, no? I like it very much. Ok, I think that's enough peacock for one post. Hope you enjoyed it!

Aunt Liz

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