
Monday, June 8, 2015

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

For Sail By Owner was released by indie polish maker KBShimmer as one of the tropics-inspired faded neons from the Summer 2015 collection last month. This is the third of five of these faded neons that I purchased during my KBShimmer Summer 2015 spree, and my first green neon ever. It's a whitened neon lime green with a electrifying fluorescent glow on the nail. Lime is traditionally located between chartreuse and yellow on the color wheel, but to my eye For Sail By Owner appears more of a bright spring green than a yellow-green. According to Valesha of Peachy Polish, For Sail By Owner is the exact color of apple laffy taffys. But really the main thing you notice about this color is just how intensely bright it is. I got up from applying it and went to the darkest interior area of my living space, a place that shrouds most colors in shadow, and this puppy was glowing like fireflies on my fingertips. Wow!

Application was kinda shaky, I won't lie. The consistency of For Sail By Owner is nice -- fluid, smooth and creamy -- but I found it difficult to apply evenly. Overstroking pulled some scary patches (my bad), and it did not self-level well. It was a touch and go affair to camo my ridges, some of which remained apparent through the third coat, by which time I figured I'd just let them be. Pigmentation is very good. In several of the reviews I've seen, folks achieved evenly opaque coverage in two coats. I'm afraid I can only dream of having that kind of application finesse. However, the sheer brightness of this color helps to disguise imperfections. Cleanup was easy with a just a little bit of pigment travel, probably more apparent to me only because of the massive amount of cleanup I needed to do. For Sail By Owner dries naturally in very good time to a matte finish, and whatever nits I picked with my application of this polish faded rapidly into the distance after I got a nice topcoat on it.

Photos show three coats of For Sail By Owner over treatment and basecoat with a generous topcoat of Seche Vite. I expected to see color rendering difficulties in my uploaded images as I have in the past with intense light greens, but they all uploaded looking exactly like they were supposed to. Happy day!

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

KBShimmer For Sail By Owner

You know, I've seen For Sail By Owner referred to as pale, faded, subdued... even pastel! How can this be? Fuzzy called it outrageous and flamboyant. The youngsters at my gym were all over it, they absolutely loved it, but I forgot to ask them about the specific qualities that made it so attractive and it seems that I am too much of a neon neophyte to move past the initial shock and dazzlement at it's tremendous chromatic potency and truly evaluate it as a nail color. 

But perhaps that's the point, no? The wow. And this polish has that in spades.


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